Smart Money

Looking to save more money, get out of debt, or start investing? You’re in the right place, mama! Here you’ll find strategies and tips from real moms and personal finance experts.

What is the best cash back service - Ebates or BeFrugal

Finding the Best Cash-Back Service: Ebates vs. BeFrugal

As online shopping has grown massively in recent years, more and more businesses have popped up to help you save money online. In my opinion, the most valuable of these businesses are cash-back services that put real cash directly back in your wallet. I’ve been a flag-waving user of Ebates for a long time. But …

Finding the Best Cash-Back Service: Ebates vs. BeFrugal Read More »

The Basics of Early Retirement

What is FI/RE? The Basics of Financial Independence

What would you do with your life if you didn’t have to work for money? What sacrifices would you be willing to make in the near term to allow you to retire years before the “traditional retirement age” of 65? These are the types of questions that have driven the FI/RE, financial independence/retire early, movement. …

What is FI/RE? The Basics of Financial Independence Read More »