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As always, we’ve rounded up our top three takeaways to summarize what we believe are the core points to remember from Jennifer.
Jennifer reminded us that it’s our job to put food in front of our kids and control the environment in which they eat. It’s their job to decide what goes in their body. It’s important for kids to build their own relationship with food to dealing with consent and feeling like they have some control over their own bodies.
But naturally, when we pressure kids, they’re going to push back or they’re just going to eat to make you happy. This leads to them feeling like they don’t have control over what goes in their own systems. Instead, try reducing the portion sizes and help kids ask for more if they’re still hungry. If they don’t eat, gently remind them when the next snack or meal will be and let them know to listen to their bodies and eat if they’re hungry.
Also, it’s super, super normal for kids to eat a lot in one day and not much in another. Our first pediatrician told us early on that kids’ eating habits fluctuate. So don’t put expectations of how much you think your kid should eat on them. Let them decide what’s going to go in their bodies but encourage them to eat in color.
Jennifer Anderson is a registered dietitian, mom of 2 exciting boys, and cheerleader to hundreds of thousands of parents feeding kids through the Kids Eat in Color social media movement. She helps parents let go of mealtime battles, reduce their stress, and get their kids on the path to eating better.
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