How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome & Burnout
- June 18, 2020
- by Chelsea
Why You've Got to Listen to This Episode...
In today’s episode, I’m talking to Christine Michel Carter, a global voice for working moms, a writer, speaker, marketing strategist, and creator of Mompreneur and Me. Christine shares her perspective on a few important issues all working moms face—the illusive question of balance, handling impostor syndrome, and avoiding that dreaded burnout. Whether you’re wearing many hats like Christine or just trying to get a handle on your career while parenting, I think we all struggle with burnout, and today’s episode will help you avoid just that.
Moments You Don't Want to Miss
- [09:04] How to overcome the barrier of reaching out and asking for help when you really need it
- [14:51] How to overcome anxiety and impostor syndrome to feel more comfortable when public speaking or putting yourself out there
- [17:13] What summit syndrome is and how it ties to perfectionism
- 217:17] Christine explains what Momprenuer and Me is and how it works
- [40:32] The benefits of women having their own businesses and how to network with others to improve your confidence and overcome impostor syndrome
- [49:17] Chelsea’s Top Takeaways

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Key Takeaways to Help You Overcome Impostor Syndrome and Burnout
As always, we’ve rounded up our top three takeaways to summarize what we believe are the core points to remember from Christine.
1 - Balance is a Myth
You may have already figured this out. But if not, the idea of perfect balance just isn’t a real thing.
You can have it all. But you can’t have it all at once.
Sometimes our careers take the front seat. Sometimes we need to take our foot off the gas for a little while and lean into our families. That’s okay. In fact, it’s healthy.
There’s a rhythm and seasons to life. As long as we check in with ourselves regularly, making sure we’re comfortable with our priorities in the moment, we’ll all be just fine.
Don’t beat yourself up for not being able to show up 100% for everyone all the time. It’s just not possible.
2 - Impostor Syndrome Can Take You Out of the Running For Opportunities & Lead to Burn Out
Before reading Christine’s writing, I had heard of summit syndrome. It’s when you are constantly chasing the next goal, the next success, over and over without appreciating your achievements. It felt familiar to me.
But I’d never connected it with impostor syndrome.
Often, we think of impostor syndrome as hindering our progress. And it can do that. We might take ourselves out of the running for a promotion or stay quiet in an important meeting. (If that’s you, take a listen to episode 41 on bragging better!)
Yet, impostor syndrome can also mean we don’t believe in our own accomplishments. That we don’t feel like enough. So, we have to constantly prove our worth to ourselves—taking on bigger projects, going after the next promotion.
And that cycle of proving ourselves? THAT can lead to burnout.
Success is great. Money is great. Who doesn’t love money! But success for its own sake is a trap. Stay clear on what you really want and define “enough” for yourself and your family.
Honor what you’ve achieved and be proud of yourself. If you want to go to the next level, if it will truly get you something more, go for it. Just don’t feel like you have to stay on the treadmill until you pass out.
3 - You Can’t Do It All, All on Your Own—Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help
Parenting and managing a house is a full time job. Before adding your career. And your relationship. And your friendships.
This expectation that we are present for our kids 100% of the time, that our houses are always spotless, that we’re crushing it at work, that we’re caring for our partner and being caring friends—and that we’re doing it all by ourselves is, frankly, completely insane.
It’s too much! There are only so many hours in the day!
I’m realizing my therapist would have something to say about me not having self-care on that list. Oops. I’m a work in progress.
Christine discussed how she brings her kids into the discussion around why she works so hard and uses it to teach them and foster their independence. I think that’s brilliant. She also has the support of her family, and I love that she’s found a local girl to help babysit so she can get some work done.
It really does take a community.
Remember that it’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to prioritize a house cleaning service in your budget or ask a friend to pick your kid up from dance class one day.
Often the pressures to do it all come from inside. But your loved ones understand that you’re human. You just need to ask for help.
Links & Resources Mentioned

Connect with Christine
Featured in The New York Times and The Washington Post, Christine Michel Carter is the #1 global voice for working moms. She has been called a “working mom who’s changing the world,” “the mom of mom influencers,” “the exec inspiring millennial moms,” and “the voice of millennial moms.” Christine clarifies misconceptions about working mom consumers for brands and serves as an amplifier of their personal truths.
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