
How to Take Control of Your Money Like a Rebel Mama

Why You've Got to Listen to This Episode...

In today’s episode, I’m talking with the co-founders of the Rebel Mama, Nikita Stanley and Aleks Jassem. These two are paving a new road for the face of motherhood that centers around authenticity and empowerment.

We’re talking about how they built their business on maternity leave, mindful consumerism as a new mom, and how they overcame their fears about their own finances in order to empower other mamas.

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Key Takeaways to Help You Take Control of Your Money Like a Rebel Mama

As always, we’ve rounded up our top three takeaways to summarize what we believe are the core points to remember from Aleks and Nikita.

1 - Motherhood is Hard

We all struggle on this journey, so find people who are honest about it. Find people who are willing to talk to you about the hard stuff, but who also enjoy the bright spots, the rewards and breakthrough moments. But these people also don’t make you feel bad about your hard days. You need to find your community.
And if you’re listening to this as an expectant mom, or a new mom, seek out people who are going to tell you the truth, who are going to help you listen to your own inner voice. Find people who are not just going to tell you what should do or what should happen in an ideal situation. It’s not reality and you don’t need to feel shame about meeting a ridiculous expectation.

2 - Try Not to Make Emotional Decisions About Work After You Have a Baby

Those first several months after you have a baby, it’s all a haze. Our brains are a little bit broken. And then maternity leave ends, whether that’s after a couple of weeks or a couple of months in the US or a year in Canada. And oftentimes, we’re not ready to go back yet.

So think about what do you want your life to look like. Give yourself some space to reflect, and make sure you create some time to yourself to think about who you are now. We don’t want you to get into a situation where you leave a job because you don’t feel like you’re ready to go back after maternity leave. You could end up feeling more stuck and struggling more down the road.

Think about how can you create more flexible options. What do you actually need to do, if you want to go to part time work, or if you want to change your job? What kind of financial planning needs to happen to make that a smoother transition? We want to reduce stress in your life, not create more of it. So try not to make hasty decisions about work. Nikita and Aleks do a great job of laying out the pros and cons of all your options in their book, Get Your $hit Together.

3 - Money is Core to Empowerment

We talk about this all the time here on the show. But I love that after six years, Aleks and Nikita narrowed in on money as a source of freedom for women with the Rebel Mama. It gives us the freedom to do the things we need to do that allow us to be the parents we want to be and do the type of work we want to do. We need that financial freedom. 

So start by handling your money mindset and learning to manage money in a way that works for you. That is how you start to build the life that you want.

Links & Resources Mentioned

Connect with Aleks and Nikita

The Rebel Mama is a multimedia platform and community – founded by Nikita Stanley and Aleks Jassem – that is rebranding motherhood for a new generation. It has evolved over the last 6 years into two best-selling books, a blog, a podcast, a 10,000-member private forum and popular social channels.

Aleks and Nikita are moms. They’re entrepreneurs. They’re thought leaders. They’re community builders.
And they’re here for a good time.

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